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Green Tenders – An Action Plan on Green Public Procurement


Recently Ireland’s first Green Public Procurement Action Plan (Green Tenders) was jointly launched by the Minister for the Environment, Community and Local Government and the Minster for Public Expenditure and Reform. The overall objective of Green Tenders is to assist public authorities to successfully plan and implement green public procurement.

The initial plan has focused on eight priority areas, one of which is Food and Catering Services.

Bord Bia’s Irish Foodservice Channel Insights report (November 2011) estimates that the Republic of Ireland annual catering spend from the Health, Education, Prison & Defence Force channels at approximately €125m.  In addition, the National Public Procurement Policy (NPPU) estimates a further annual catering spend of approximately €70m by Government Departments and other public bodies.

The full Green Tenders document is available online by clicking here.  Chapter 9 outlines key actions proposed for the green procurement of food and catering services. One of the actions proposed is that “Where economically viable, food from the Meat, Poultry, Egg and Seafood categories will be sourced from accredited schemes which incorporate a significant sustainability element and/or organic schemes….The benchmark for such schemes would be the Bord Bia Quality Assurance Schemes and IOFGA or equivalent schemes from other EU member states”.

Recognising the importance of public sector catering procurement, Bord Bia and Enterprise Ireland are planning a joint information workshop for client companies in May 2012.  Additional details including speaker line up, topics and timings will follow in early April 2012.

For further information, contact maureen.gahan@bordbia.ie

Source: bordbia - Green Tenders – An Action Plan on Green Public Procurement