HortiTrends Weekly Comment & News Digest March 29th
- 29 March 2012
We start with good news this week and it comes in the form of the spoken word of Dave Ryan who is happy with his lot in New Office & Positive Outlook for Dave Ryan Landscape Architects. In it he talks about "it's a sign of small businesses to come, those of us that started in the middle of the recession." We come across many examples of this including the Flower Power garden centre in Kilkenny." Open now for 3 years it was originally a Sunday market stall for many years and is now a thriving business in a prime location. There are many examples of this new breed of business that do not have the prolonged headache of the capital and staff investments of the 'Celtic Tiger' era. They like Dave are happy with their lot too and see many opportunities ahead.
We came across the Flower Power garden centre on the way to the IHNSA Trolley Fair. Despite the presence of the GCAI PlantsPlus group at a training event there, the turnout was not so great. You could blame the garden centres, but they would blame the good weather that made them too busy to attend. The trolley fair dates are probably the main time of the year when the nursery sector get together for a couple of decades of the Rosary and pray for rain! The lower number of Irish garden centre buyers was however, offset by the presence of a number UK buyers. A well organised event that is heading in the right direction but still needs to get out around the wider country to new regional locations.
The garden centres in Northern Ireland and soon Dublin too, will be advising plant buyers about the High Hedges Legislation to Become Law The retail and landscape horticulture sectors have a duty of care to give expert and impartial advise to customers about the negative affects some hedges and trees can have on their neighbours and environment.
We are off now to the Tulip naming event and seminar in the Botanic Gardens Glasnevin. An article on this next week along with the republishing of an article that appeared in The Phoenix Magazine based around the tendering and awarding of the Bloom event management. We will also be looking at some of the recent horticulture related debates in the Dail.
Too busy to read all the news? Go straight to your sector below:
This Weeks News Articles:
- This Weeks NEW Jobs in Horticulture Ireland
- NEW Tenders for Horticulture in Ireland
- Resist at All Costs - John Stanley
- Kildalton Horticulture Nursery Offering 'Grow Your Own' Courses
- Walking Trails Planning & Development Guide Launched
- Global Seaweed Market Growing Strongly
- Graduation Ceremony at An t-Ionad Glas
- New Office & Positive Outlook for Dave Ryan Landscape Architects
- Hands On Learning At Loughgall Country Park For Greenmount Student
- ‘Stunning Shrubs For Easy Beauty’ With Forsythia
- Exporters Call for Trade Policy for Africa to Compliment Aid Policy in a Rapidly Growing Continent
- Garden Radio – The SodShow 23rd March
- Last Minute Shoppers Targeted
- Chinese Brothers Create Vegetable Orchestra
- New Service For IEA Members - Supply Chain Management Audits
- High Hedges Legislation to Become Law
- Yields From Organic Crops Are 20% Lower
- RHS Signs Up 15,000th School To Campaign
- Corn Being Used More for Ethanol Production Than For Feeding in US
- HSA Launches Testimonials From Farmers Whose Lives Have Been Affected by Farm Accidents
- Irish Primroses: New From Cotswold Garden Flowers
- Major €14 Million European Initiative to Develop the Potential of Seaweed As Biofuel
- Innocent and GIY Sow & Grow Schools Campaign
- IOFGA Calls on Teagasc to be Held Accountable For Reckless Public Spending on GM Trials
- Coveney Welcomes Focus on Agri-Food Sector in Finance Bill 2012
- ‘Vegging Out’ In School Is Good For Children
- Collect Tokens to Win Great Prizes for Your School - The Incredible Edibles 2012 Collecting Challenge
- Strawberry Toscana: Colourful Flowers and Tasty Fruit
- Marshalls' Profit Rises 32% Pretax
- ‘Spider’ Found On The Slopes at Old Head Golf Links
- Minister MeEntee Announces Continuation of the Organic Farming Scheme
- New HDC Tree Fruit Review Out Now
- Tidy Towns - Seminar
- New Glasshouse Development For Malahide Castle Gardens
- The Last Child in the Garden
- HortiTrends Weekly Comment & News Digest March 22nd
Thank you.
Joseph (Editor at HortiTrends)