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Impact of the Decision To Leave the EU

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SCEPTRE UK Vegetable Weed Control Open Day


HDC Event


START TIME: 14:00 END TIME: 18:00


This event is part of the SCEPTRE project (sceptre.hdc.org.uk) and will take the form of a trial walk, allowing growers to view the weed control trial plots. Three trials will be demonstrated. For more information and directions click on the button to the left.

Solutions to the loss of active ingredients for weed control in vegetable crops.

Cathy Knott, Independent Herbicide Specialist

Two herbicides, SH2012-FVS-76 and SH2012-FVS-123, are evaluated post-weed-emergence. They have only been tested pre-emergence in earlier screens. Crop safety is assessed for: drilled bulb onion, leek, carrot, parsnip, coriander, peas, dwarf French beans, broad beans, swede, spinach; transplanted celery, cauliflower, and lettuce. ‘Volunteer’ potatoes are also included to see whether they might be suppressed.

Precision application of residual herbicides to improve crop safety and weed control.

Andy Richardson, Allium and Brassica Centre

SCEPTRE trials in 2012 are investigating the effects on weed control and crop safety following application of pre-emergence residual herbicides in bands at different rates in the crop row and between the crop rows in bulb onions and flowerhead Brassicas. A few of the treatments will be demonstrated here.

Electrical weed control: demonstration with a prototype machine.

Andrew Richardson, Allium and Brassica Centre

Alternative weed control methods are being investigated for field vegetables. Electrical weed control is a potential option that has been considered but not become widely established. A prototype machine, constructed at the Allium and Brassica Centre with engineering input from Spectrum-tech Ltd will be demonstrated. Trials last season on bush fruit showed potential, particularly on thistles.

Source: HDC - SCEPTRE UK Vegetable Weed Control Open Day