NAD Advises on 18 Ways To A Better Spray
- 12 April 2012
Here is some useful information containing important points to remember after you have read the Codes of Practice and properly calibrated your spraying equipment.
Before you spray:
- Always ensure your spraying practices are in line with Club policy and Risk Assessments. By taking this action management and members concerns and misunderstandings will be reduced or eliminated.
- Check the local weather forecast and note the wind speed and its direction. Spraying should only commence when climatic conditions are favourable and particular care should be taken when spraying in the vicinity of lakes and drainage ditches.
- Ensure that a thorough check of the spraying machinery is made. This must include not only nozzles, pipes and hoses but also linkages and the prime mover. Always check with your supplier the Approval status of products as many are being withdrawn from the list. Read the product label and ensure the minimum recommended protective clothing is worn for the product being sprayed.
- Do not exceed the calibration speed as this may cause boom bounce and/or spray turbulence resulting in uneven application of the product being sprayed. The addition of a spray pattern indicator to the tank solution will provide the operator with a simple economic and effective means of directing the spray accurately and uniformly to its intended target.
- Always check with your supplier the Approval status of products as many are being withdrawn from the list. Read the product label and ensure the minimum recommended protective clothing is worn for the product being sprayed.
- The addition of a spray pattern indicator to the tank solution will provide the operator with a simple economic and effective means of directing the spray accurately and uniformly to its intended target.
While you spray:
- If required by the product label or Club policy, display information signs that are easily visible in the area being sprayed to advise those on the course that spraying is taking place.
- Do not enter the tractor cab and commence spraying without first either decontaminating protective equipment or removing such equipment and storing them in the locker provided. Do not leave pesticide containers unsupervised.
- Excessive spray overlap, missed areas and off-target application can virtually be eliminated by the operator following the temporary markings provided by a spray pattern indicator. Faulty or blocked nozzles will immediately be identified and corrected.
- If a temporary break Is taken while there is still some spray solution 1eft in the tank ensure that the product label Qirections regarding tank agitation are followed. Never leave spray solution in the tank overnight.
- Reduce spray drift by the correct choice of spray quality. This is achieved by selecting the correct pressure/nozzle combination, adding an anti-drift agent to the tank or fitting low drift nozzles such as the BFS Air Bubble Jet. Stop spraying immediately when spray drift becomes unacceptable.
- Never eat, drink or smoke whilst spraying. If a break is taken during the spray operation always remove any contaminated clothing and wash hands and face thoroughly.
After you spray:
- Plan your spraying so that the tank contents are applied to the target area only. Where this is not possible, empty any remaining solution in areas that are compatible with its approved use or at a soak-away that complies with Local Authority requirements.
- Hose down the outsides of the spraying machine and power unit. Wash protective clothing thoroughly including the insides of gloves, face visor or goggles.
- Always wash hands and face with soap and hot water. In some cases it may be necessary to wash hair also. Access to a shower facility is highly beneficial.
- Ensure that all chemical containers are securely closed and stored in an approved storage facility. Empty or unwanted containers must be disposed of in accordance with the Code of Practice.
- Remove spray nozzles and thoroughly flush out with clean water the insides of the tank, pump and spray lines. Having included a spray pattern indicator in the tank will provide a visual check on the effectiveness of this operation.
- To comply with the Control of Pesticides Regulations it is important that Best Practice is followed and adequate records are kept of all operations involving the use of pesticides. Complete these records immediately after spraying has finished.
Source: NAD - NAD Advises on 18 Ways To A Better Spray