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Phoenix Park Celebrates 350th Anniversary

Brian Hayes, TD, Minister of State at the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform with special responsibility for the Office of Public Works (OPW) has announced that the OPW will be hosting a series of events throughout 2012 to celebrate the 350th anniversary of the establishment of the Phoenix Park.

Speaking in the Park the Minister said: "I am delighted to be here this morning to announce that the Park is celebrating the 350th anniversary of its establishment as a Royal Deer Park and the OPW has proudly been looking after it since 1860."

With ceremonial sword in hand, while cutting a specially designed 350th birthday cake, in the shape of the Park, the Minister continued: "This is a magnificent amenity for all in the heart of Dublin City and access to this wonderful space is free. I look forward to seeing the various projects and events unfold throughout the year."

The following are some of the projects and events that are planned for 2012:

  • the establishment of a Phoenix Park Arboretum
  • the restoration of the Frame Yard at the Victorian Walled Garden
  • the establishment of a Phoenix Park archive to be housed in one of the Park Lodges
  • a National Photographic competition
  • a Primary Schools competition
  • kids summer camp
  • the Phoenix Park Spring and Winter lecture series – a series of illustrated lectures connected with the Park
  • opening up Chesterfield Avenue at weekends from the Phoenix Monument to the Mountjoy roundabout for pedestrians, runners, cyclists, toddlers and to hold family events with a fun street party at Easter, to start things off
  • historical re-enactments of motor racing
  • historical re-enactments of the Duke of Ormond and Lord Chesterfield
  • exhibitions at the Phoenix Park Visitor Centre, Ashtown Castle

many other events.

The Minister continued: "As part of the 350 celebrations, a series of specially designed postcards by Paul Francis, depicting the various buildings of the Park was commissioned and I am delighted to announce that these postcards are now available in the Phoenix Park Visitor Centre at Ashtown Castle."

Source: Build.ie - Phoenix Park Celebrates 350th Anniversary