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Trade Plant Promotion - Colour Your Life Newsletter


February is here and we are all ready for some colour in our gardens. Green fingers are itching to make garden magic and our selection of plants this month certainly has the right ingredients to cast a colourful spell!

Late winter can be an exciting time in the garden. There is a sense of anticipation and promise that early perennials and flowering shrubs make more tangible. For February we are focusing on an enchanting combination of shrubs and perrenials to deliver an exciting mix that will be just what your customers are looking for.

Our plant choices include Helleborus which is the classic winter and spring flowering early perrenial. Alongside we have Daphne, Hammamelis and Corylopsis pauciflora. These three are fabulous shrubs for delivering the goods right when you need them. These fantastic plants can add not only a welcome splash of colour, but also bring to the garden an exotic aroma.

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