We Need to Eat More Fruit and Veg
- 16 March 2012
Shane McEntee TD, Minister of State at the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine launched the Incredible Edibles Healthy eating initiative in Dublin Zoo with help from pupils of Mary Help of Christians Girls’ National School, Navan Road, Dublin.
Incredible Edibles is an industry-funded educational initiative aimed at raising primary school children’s awareness of where our fruit and vegetables come from and their importance as part of a healthy diet. The initiative’s ultimate objective is to encourage people to eat more fruit and vegetables in an effort to improve health and tackle the increasing national problem of obesity.
Speaking at the launch of this year’s Incredible Edibles programme at Agri Aware’s Family Farm in Dublin Zoo, Minister of State Shane McEntee TD said everyone needs to eat more fruit and vegetables: “The average Irish person consumes only three of the recommended five portions of fruit and vegetables everyday”.
The Minister paid tribute to Incredible Edibles as one of Agri Aware’s most successful educational initiatives ever. He also thanked the broad industry based support for the initiative which he said “allows primary schools participate in the project at no cost”.
Incredible Edibles plans to shortly introduce its brand to fresh fruit and vegetable packaging and point of sale information at retail level.
Source: agriculture.gov - We Need to Eat More Fruit and Veg