Teagasc Weather Clinics
- 04 July 2012
Weather Clinics
June rainfall was 135% up to 300% of normal. Due to the ongoing bad weather huge numbers of farmers are seeking advice on how to deal with poor ground conditions and poor grass utilisation. In many situations silage has not been cut and the crop has deteriorated significantly.
Teagasc appreciates that every farm is different and that some farms are under more pressure than others. Teagasc note that while ground conditions on drier land improve quite quickly at this time of year the forecast of further rain will put back silage making and result in more cattle being housed.
In response to the current difficulties, Teagasc is offering advice to its clients in the normal way. In addition, Teagasc advisers will conduct advisory clinics in all offices on Friday 6th July from 11.00am to 1.00pm to assist farmers to cope with weather related problems.
This invitation extends to all farmer clients and non clients.
To avail of the clinic contact your local Teagasc office.
Source: HortiTrends News Desk